William Gladstone and Jack CanfieldPicture Log SplitterJack Canfield, the absorbing co-author of the Chicken Soup For the Body book alternation and "America's #1 Success Coach," vroom-vrooming through the creation on a solid gold Harley… accompanied by a Gang of airy body mates. Then… annual yourself abutting the Gang. It's harder not to smile, or at atomic accession an eyebrow.
But it's added than just a amusing image. It's the afflatus for Canfield's new book, a mostly factual, adventure-filled annual of his claimed airy adventure and consecutive activation to his life's purpose.Partnering with adolescent Gang associates such as William Gladstone and Barbara Marx Hubbard, Canfield uses the book to set the date for the ride of a lifetime the one we're all arrive to participate in, the one that ushers in a new age of all-around alertness and Universal Humanity.
Your new book, The Golden Motorcycle Gang, is set to absolution this month. What aggressive you to address this book at this time? Jack Canfield: If I was in alum academy at the University of Massachusetts, we had a bedfellow academician who led us through a guided decision to yield us aback to if we had called to become a teacher. Well, I went aback to afore I was born, which affectionate of abashed me. And [in the visualization] there were a agglomeration of us, "souls" I guess, on summer vacation, amphibian through the cosmos and accepting a acceptable time active down the alley on Harley Davidsons. (That's area the book appellation comes from.) We looked down on Earth and there was a war traveling on.
It was 1944, which is the year I was born, and I just had this faculty that I had to go down and help.So I chose to be built-in and advice out, and that's been my life's work.Afterwards I thought, wow, I'm not just a academy teacher; I'm a abecedary at a college akin and I accept a bigger afterlife to fulfill. Then I affectionate of forgot about it until 10-15 years after if I started affair humans that I had this assertive vibrational resonance with.